Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Below is a post I made on a "Polling Blog" - AKA a place to brain wash the intellectually weak into socialist thinking - I used the pen name ANTIKM to get the attention of the posters in the blog, it is in rebuttal to one of the posters who place the blame of all the world's economic and social shortcomings on the "greed" of a few. This is the type of mentality which is slowly creeping into our country and diluting all that is good and just into the control desired by those who follow their feelings and feel guilty about what they have earned.

I do not feel guilty about anything I have done in my life. I feel I have earned my money with honor and that for those who wish to steal it from me must do so at the end of a gun, however they must be prepared because I always have a stashed shotgun somewhere nearby if my concealed pistol does not draw down on them first, come and get it.

People like KM from the following website: [ http://answers.polldaddy.com/poll/897149/?msg=commentAdd#comment204634 ] have no good intentions for others, they just wish to free their conscience from the loathing they feel for themselves.

Bon apetite.


2009-03-24 17:51:45 ET

Dear KM,

Money is the root of all evil. Greed is bad. Give up your computer to the man on the street. Give up your ideals. Holding them to yourself is greedy. Give up all that you have and all the dreams you aspire to attain, because in and of themselves are all derived from, "greed" as you so succinctly put it. Socialism / Communism (NOT HUMANISM) will only lead those, with lower morals than you already deride others for having, into pushing their own personal dreams and aspirations upon your head. You can, "make money" here. Don't hold it against someone when they have a greater ability to, "make money" than you or the bum lying in the street. You want to take action, then shut up and go to the streets and begin to give everything you own away, start from scratch and show all of us how to achieve. I for one am, "greedy" and want to keep my dreams and my hopes and will save every penny I, "make" and try to pass it onto my children so they can live better than I have - if that makes me greedy then label me as such and get out of my way, because there's more money to be made. I have worked in a very socialistic environment before and the incompetence of those who are paid, not for the fruits of their labors, but because they believe they are entitled to the money they make every month on their salary are the poorest of the poor workers who exist. It is only those who have the incentive to do better, by a higher monetary payout, who really achieve their optimum performance and produce great feats in industry, technology, and humanity (you don't really think the humanitarian workers receive nothing for their efforts do you - organizers and paid nicely). It is capitalism which incited the industrial revolution. It is capitalism which drove the ability for technology to advance as far as it had. The state owned schools DO NOT lead our planet in innovation, it is the research and development of our biggest corporations who invest the money they have, "MADE" into new and better products. Socialism has NEVER done this. If you want to help the man on the street then help him by producing something. Don't hand him a $1 bill out of the window of your BMW and then deride capitalism for the social failings of the incompetent. State workers will not help another out at 5 minutes to closing time, because there is no extra money in it for them and they are not allowed to work overtime. Finally, people do not keep super markets open 24 hours out of the kindness of their hearts, they do it to "make" money. So the next time you or your significant other "needs" medicine, food, or even a beer at 1:59 am ask the checkout clerk if they are there for your social welfare or if they only stay there because the want to make money so they may continue to live in their abode as opposed to living on the street. If you are socialist, thinking about becoming socialist, or sympathize with socialists please do every American a favor - move to France. I have no issues with that, but please do not attempt to change our country founded on hard work and the desire of an American to "make" money. The dollar sign in and of itself is woven into the fiber of our currency. Superimpose U and S over one another and you will see the resemblance. Keep America free of socialists and completely in favor of free and honest trade. Your humble capitalist and purveyor of freedom,
